>>16677586The only way to win is to be a chad and take the clown pill. You see. Females are incapable of understanding concepts like honor, accountability, and literally are pissed anytime a good man comes along and finds a practical solution to her problems. You see when you solve her problems she has nothing to cry about anymore. You used your logical brain to solve her problems and now she can’t benefit from being in a perpetual state of victim hood because she wants to harness this to get help from ALL men not just one simp. This is why Mormons treat females the way they do. Like livestock, except for birthing your progeny. All thriving civilizations in the past also did this one simple thing, and men all lived great lives. It does zero good to empathize for a woman’s turmoil. She will be unhappy in sub Saharan africa where her kids are raped and murdered and she becomes a rape slave for the rest of her life. But she will be just as unhappy if she ends up married to a good decent man in a space faring civilization. The femoid is the cause of her own turmoil. She should be treated just like the natural elements and the wild animals in nature that men have dealt with since the beginning of mankind. She should simply be treated as one of natures many conquests. Simple as that. The civilization we have currently? Has done nothing but brainwash men into nigger worship, gay sex, cuckery, and dishonor. Take the clown pill like a chad, and just put on the clown suit and know the game. It doesn’t matter that civilization is crumbling just be aware of it and rise up. Knowing the world is clown means you can take advantage of the clown world we live in like a champ. Make a harem for yourself or something it’s actually quite easy once you realize nature designated the femoid to be your property. Rather than you all being demoralized and sharing your sad sob stories let your feelings die and live in honor.