>>5850202I always listen, you're the best poland after all! ^-~
I guess it is craving for a different lifestyle rather than the desire for someone elses life, that's true. But it can also be applied to "I wish I was born in country X". Sure, this would be possible if his parents moved there before he was born albeit after the mother became pregnant (otherwise I assume the events would be much diffferent). But then this idea would also have to have sprung alive sometime before this, meaning that the chain of events probably would have ended up much different either way, to the point where it's unlikely it's even this person that would have been born. Unless the idea was injected somewhere after the pregnancy, at which point the timeline before this even had remained the same as it would have without this idea of moving overseas! ^o^
I believe much of what we do is directed by our will to live which in large becomes the will to produce, this is what I can gather to be most likely, especially when you look at animals and our own society - I wonder how much is directed in accordance with this, maybe I should try to categorize it.. =_= :>