>>21780204That "Australian" is most likely a jeet trying to claim to "Asian" even though they're not, the Indian peninsula is in no way related to the Chinese-descended real Asians.
He could be a chink too who hate the fact that Japanese are originally descended from them but through eons of isolation evolved into better people than they are.
Not to mention that the quality of Chinese genetics were destroyed by allowing jews to create the commie period there, where everyone that was smart and a threat to the jewish communist ideology would be thrown into prison camps or killed.
Later chinks realized though that the jews are trying to subvert their nation and didn't let them into politics anymore, at that point they branched from the USSR who let the jews call the shots
So even though CCP has jewish roots, it hasn't been jewish in a long time now, but the jewish actions in the past have damaged their future of today
Same thing happened in Russia of course too, lot of the intelligent people that should exist don't because the jews killed them