>>10453097I was only 9 so I didn’t understand the gravity of it all, but yeah. Same thing with these riots. This is just 9/11 all over again essentially.
These people dont even know what to be angry at. White people? This is pure and utter racism. White and black people alike are all oppressed by the same people. “WHITEY” KEEPIN ME DOWN? Those same people keep everyone down. Blaming an entire race and not simply the higherups, politicians, CEOs and elites is just mania and brainwashing. Predatory agencies are using these artificial controversies and making false promises to get votes so they can pass whatever unrelated bills and nonsense we’ll never even hear about so they can make more money.
These riots are disgusting and for naught we should ALL be rising up and simply say “no” to everything that’s going on.
What is evil? Organized “crime” like loansharks and gambling or multi-trillion dollar conglomerates outsourcing to third world countries, denying their countryman work and operating in a country with no waste disposal laws so they can ignorantly dump DDT and flame retardant into the fucking WATER (WATER) only to minimize expense and maximize their bottom line. These are our leaders and elite. These are our oppressors. Two nuked Japanese cities, Area-51, fucking 9/11, the “””””patriot” act. This is what some hideous all-powerful globo-government ruled by whatever affluent entity can buy into it, and these riots are serving only to give them more money and power by the “”””””democratic party””””” which isn’t even a political party anymore, completely bought by the media to push whatever narrative they need to maximize their net gain, and black people are rioting against white people? Jesus Christ, wake the fuck up people. Bush did 9/11 and these riots are a setup bait&switch.
Here comes reddit to call me a Schitzo. Like God damn ever hear dirty laundry by Don Henley? Christ.