/pol/ has been absolutely rife with red herrings for years. We were all supposed to die from Covid-19 in December of 2019, when people first started talking about it.
>>18631878God I fucking hope so. I don’t think they’ll just spring it in the population.
My overarching schizophrenic prediction is that they’ll let Trump win, and begin throwing people under the bus to created a sort of superficial patriotism. Pharma people will be put on trial, but not anyone who’s actually important. Americans don’t know who’s important, but if someone is on trial and labeled as such, they’ll believe it. And it won’t be for anything that matters. Same with BLM people. We’ve already seen a huge Antifa indictment, so get ready for a show trial. They’ll push some kind of tranny thing I to the spotlight, and Fatmericans will consider it a win.
It’s all so the system will have lush pushback against a draft, though it’s a miscalculation by incompetent people who only got their positions through nepotism. But the system won’t have a choice; a war (and a draft) will be a necessity to retain power.