>>9908401>I don't appreciate Q's badmouthing of Adolf and ascription to the Hitler was a (((R))) conspiracy, for oneHitler was a left wing socialist Jew. I didnt even follow Q closely before the corona virus and I figured that out on my own. It's so fucking obvious. Hitler wasn't even his real name for fucks sakes, and the holohoax failed, barely any Jews died yet millions of white christian men died. Let's not forget Jews also ended up with ISRAEL when it was all said and done. How much more obvious can it get? Have you even dug into who Hitlers grandfather was? A literal Jew.
Oh and where is the Jew Nazi Soros from? Hungary. Know what else is in Hungary? Pic related. A tombstone of Adolf Hittler who was born long before Hitler. The tombstone has symbols and Hebrew writing all over it. Hitler means "the savior of our race" in hebrew. Now did you know Soros also isn't Soros real name? He changed it to Soros. Now go look up what Soros means.