>born with somewhat good genetics (tall,wide shoulders...etc)>spend the my entire hs years with vidya>be a chubby fuck>apply to university>actually start spending time with humans and socialize>december of 2011, both of my parents die in a car accident thanks to some roadraging retarded faggot>fall into deep deep depression>try to killmyself 2 times, my sister makes me promise to not try again>move back to my parents house and leech on my sisters money>spend the next 4 years living like a zombie (I don't even remember anything from that time)>get really fat>reapply to university in 2016, start getting in shape again, still depressed and suicidal>i got really really bitter during chirstmas and started skipping classes and turned into a zombie again>have a long conversation with my sister>sell our parents house and move to the capital to my sisters apartmentI still have no idea what am I going to do with my life, i'm 24 now, bitter friendless virgin, I only have my sister and her fiancé
I hope I can atleast finish the uni this time
Sorry i'm bad with words..etc