Quoted By:
>Hi Cassie! Sorry for de late response, it took some time for your message to reach me all de vay from your pig farm in Bumfuck, Alabama
>So you vant a shot at my title do you? Did your pappy show you some old-school Texas-style "hardcore rasslin" and you decided you vanted to get into it? Or did you just decide you vanted any belt you could get your grubby little hillbilly hands on and tought "Hey, I bet Ava vill give me a title shot if I just ask for it"?
>At first I vas just going to tell you to fahk off and go hotshot somevon else's title, but den I saw dat ven you got no answer from me you instead decided to challenge anyvon on de roster to have a hardcore match vit you
>I like de entusiasm, plus it's funny to see you desperately begging for a match
>And now you've got von! Yes, you vill soon be having a bloody, bone-breaking hardcore match vit... Nefertiti
>Oh vell, beggars can't be choosers I guess. I'll admit, de hardcore division is a little empty right now, and maybe you two losers vill actually do someting to impress me
>So here's a little someting to encourage you two, de vinner of dis match vill get a shot against me for de hardcore title. It's about time I defend dis belt anyvay, I don't vant to be de kind of champion dat has to be dragged kicking and screaming to defend deir title vonce a mont, dat's not vat dis division is about
>So show me just how brutal you can be! And I'll see de vinner at de next show, vhich, unless plans change, vill be at Judge, Yuri & Executioner
>Hey, a PPV match on top of a title shot, how's dat for a prize?