>>10641541 >we'RE aLWAYS changInG boUnDaRiES! WHEre DoES AN elbOw STaRt oR ENd? whEN doES a YoUth BeCoME aN aDULT? whEre doEs an OcEaN chAnge inTO a SeA? whY MuST Our miNdS KeEP DrAwinG lines tO sTRUcTuRe oUr realIty? the aNSwER iS that UNless WE madE THOSe MiND-CONStRUcted bOUnDARIEs, wE'D nEver See ANy THInG AT aLl! tHiS iS BeCAUse We rarelY sEe ANYTHiNG TwIcE as eXActLY ThE Same. EAcH tiMe We'Re ALMost cerTAIn To Be loOKiNg FrOm a SoMewHat difFeRenT VIEw, peRHAPs from NEarER oR Farther, HigheR OR LoWER, IN A difFeReNT cOlor oR ShADe Of LIGht, OR aGAInST A dIFFeREnT bAcKgRouNd.