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I married a filipina.
Several kids.
>White women meme is 110% TRUE!
Sorry guys, if you havent found a good one by the time shes 18-20, it only gets worse.
The older they get, the worse they get.
>If you find a women who's 25 without kids, and hasnt been married, RUN! FAST, theres a reason why, she nuts.....
Filipino women are the equivalent of a 1940-1950s traditional wife. Not girls you net at a bar, or a hooker, REAL women.
>Inb4 i found a good one. Good for you, there are some out there, hut the majority are crazies, and we all know it.
>My kids are smartest in their classes, tall, athletic, healthly.
>They are god fearing kids, who are raised correctly, and my wife has seen to their values/morals.