>what makes cigars different from cigarettes?The fact is cigars are wrapped in dried tobacco leaves while a cigarettes is wrapped in paper and this is where a majority of the health problems come from
>smoking smells disgusting Only cigarettes smell bad, cigars are completely different in that they are very pleasantly scented and only leave a good smell behind
>smoking causes lung cancer While smoking cigarettes does have correlation with lung cancer, cigars are different because you do not inhale them, you simply keep it in your mouth and then blow it out
>how will I know if I've inhaled You will cough violently
>cigars are expensiveMost things that are worth their salt are
>I'm still not sure What if I told you smoking raises testosterone?
http://www.hormones.gr/8449/article/cigarette-smoking-has-a-positive-and….htmlhttps://youtu.be/-Tn7MO1c8ucWhat if I told you smoking a cigar has more benefits than negative effects
https://youtu.be/YgvBsuojXQYhttps://www.google.com/amp/amp.livescience.com/15115-5-health-benefits-smoking-disease.html>why are you trying to encourage unhealthy habits This is not like cigarettes, you are not supposed to smoke these every day perhaps every week to every other week, and this is meant to strengthen the bonds you have with your other right wing friends
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.famous-smoke.com/cigaradvisor/sharing-cigars-with-friends/ampAnd I'll just leave this here
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smoking_in_Jewish_lawSo what is /pol/ waiting for? Grab your alt right buddies and light up some stogies!