>>10257682 >tHE reCORd FoR the WORLD?S WORST DrIvers IS A TOss-Up BEtWEEN two CanDiDAtES: fIRsT, A 75-yEar-olD maN whO RecEIVED 10 TRAffIc TICkETs, drove oN ThE wRonG sIde OF thE rOaD FoUr TImeS, CoMMittED FoUr hit-anD-Run OfFeNSEs, and cauSEd SIx ACcIdeNTs, ALl WIThin 20 MInuTEs oN oCTOber 15, 1966. SecOnD, A 62-yEaR-olD wOmAn WHO faIlED hEr DriViNg teST 40 timEs BefOre pAssinG It iN AugUST, 1970 (bY tHAt tImE, shE hAD SpEnT ovER $700 In lESsoNs, AND Could nO lOngEr AfFoRD tO buY a CAR)