>>9296496I don't get this meme. I was THE neet for... many years. For most of those, my life revolved around masturbating. I know panda, gelbooru and rule34 like the back of my hand. Scratch that, I don't see it often, it's hidden by penis.
Most possible tags combinations I already know the highest quality pictures of, and can find them relatively quickly. I can't find truly good new stuff at those sites anymore, it has been the case for years, maybe like, once in a few months I look, say, in a douji that I always been skipping before because of shitty cover art or other reasons, and get blown out by the quality. I don't skip a lot though, and most of what I did skip, I already clicked through, and 90% is pure shit with remaining 9.9% being somewhat kinda decent. What I want to say is, there is no coomer that has seen more weeb porn that I did, perhaps there is one who knows way more about 3d (I don't download it that often, but then again, I do know a good tracker, with tags and search and all, and most interesting stuff I have seen... not to say that most actress are disgusting). And yet...
I'm nowhere near as disgusting. I'm overweight, and didn't shave much until 2 or so years ago, but that's it. I was cooming in my pants I give you that, but even that started to feel kinda gross, so I got some paper towels. I always shower daily, or I feel like a bag of sweat. I masturbated 3-4 times per day on average (and like 7-8 max), sessions could last 2 hours and more, yet I wasn't looking like a psycho. No, I'm even fairly attractive for being moderately obese, I could've even lost my vcard would I be into crazy, boney milfs twice my age. And no, im talking eu obese, ~120kg/~190cmI, I don't need a fartcart, doublewidth chairs, etc.
Are there any dudes here who ARE the coomer? Do you exist? What is your day like? Why don't you try to shower? It feels much better to stroke a clean cock. Try to shave it, too, it's amazing. It's much more pleasant that way.