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i love reddit so much hnnnghh durr upboated because right wingers are stupid nazi incels and women invented everything oh my science hnnnghh i love government sponsored memes that astroturf worthless products and groom children into globohomo hngghhhhh yeah baby gimme that reddit gold i love being validated for groupthink /s r/inceltears r/iamverysmart r/im14andthisisdeep hngghhhh did you just disagree with me wow just wow ughh thats bad time to blast the downvote just one click of a button sends the zappy juice (that's what i call bits) durrr through hogwarts express (internet cables) through various pitstops across the world hopping back and forth between continents because that's what my jewish teacher told me just so that the score tied to your username loses one point thereby ultimately denouncing your arguments thoughts dreams opinions tastes and overall self worth by a tremendous amount of one single point hgnnnnhg i wish we could have weighted voting where you submit your reddit account when voting so that your vote actually accounts for as many votes as you have karma that would be poggers and republinazis would lose every single time go team democracy it's called being a decent human being hnnnghhh durrr durrrrr seeing how it's your cake day i will spare you for today but pray our paths don't cross once more for the consequences will be dire... for you and your karma of course