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God is Satan / Satan is God
Just as Angels are Demons and Demons Angels
The meaning of life is to prepare to stay dead for a long time
Hell is only for those who cant/wont let go of the mortal world.
Once you realize this you'll see that the Demons tearing apart your flesh are in fact Angels freeing you from the bondage of the psychical world.
That which makes you, you. your mind that is. is nothing more than a culmination of your experience on this plane for this life alone.
The soul that lives inside you, the place which inspires your thought and inspiration which is behind all art, literature and invention is eternal and the soul can do no wrong for it knows not what it is.
Enlightenment is the union between body/mind/soul with it you will have full recall of body in which you ever lived across countless worlds and times. and with it. Immortality