Quoted By:
You don't understand scale
You don't understand distance
You don't understand your size
You don't understand NASA didn't invent globe Earth. Man thousands of years ago pre dating kikery
You look retarded
God would not be limited nor a fucking child making domed zoo style flat disc's. All your religious faggotry is because you want to feel special and important. "NOOO GOD MADE US A DOME AND WATCHES US FROM ABOVE HES LIKE MY DADDY AND I LIMIT HIS GOD POWERID PSY OP RETARDED HUMAN LIMITATIONS NOOOOO GOD COULDN'T HAVE MADE THE UNIVERSE VASTE NOOOOOOO I NEED MY DOME"
Every video. Picture. "Flat smack" has been debunked by everyone from independent people to (((NASA))) which again made up globe earth as much as Africans made up showering and sky scrapers
By the way flat Earth is Jewish and made to discredit White man's ability to do basic math. It also makes actually important conspiracy "theories" look bad. Because instead of focusing on Elite pedo circles. Blackrock over power. Jewish power. Great Replacement. Onions feed. Onions farms ruining crops. CIA/FBI puppet goverments and make up wars. Food manufacturers burning down and shit that actually does shit. You're acting like you living in a DOME makes any of this less true
8News flash flat faggots. You're tiny on a DOME planet too. If the Elite admitted to us that Flat DOME Earth was real. What do you think happens? Nothing. Jews still rape kids. Blackrock still ruins housing. Elites still abuse people. Wars are eness. Niggers nig. Poverty still exists. Nothing changes
Holocaust never happened and 80% of Jewish Deaths were accidentally caused by supply line problems and TD.
Phone posting
P.S your picture doesn't prove shit. Obviously ancient human would have thought Earth flat or some odd shape. Again. Scale. Learn it. You are not a significant size to notice things. And back to religion. Why does your God sound like a cuck whose made to make YOU feel special? Seems childish. Like you need to be the center