Quoted By:
>I hate music, television, movies, manga, anime, vidya games, consumerism, I can't fucking stand it all I see are psyops and poison created by Freemasons, Kikes, and Chinks. I hate hearing people listen to Crowleyite shit such as David Bowie or the Beetles, or satanic rock music or Masonic nigger rap, or watch kike comedies, or watch kike news. I hate things like Coca Cola, convincing a entire generation of boomers some poisonous brown liquid slop that kills your teeth, heart, and brain is the greatest drink ever. I hate going here, and online in general, and seeing people spam mediocre looking females, anime coomer shit, traps, talking about which kike vidya or anime is the best. I hate it all I see is poison, fuck it all it all needs to be burned down, I just want to live in a world where it doesn't feel like every organization is trying to mess with my body and brain and everyone around me, even the ones awake are getting psyoped, hell I'm probably psyoped in some ways, just fuck it all. I would not hate these things if they were not psyops, at most I would find them annoying or be indifferent, but they all are, I don't say this as a puritan but just as someone who is aware.