>>18550424Somewhere in the forest three Angels struggle against the stormy night searching for their missing comrade. In order to cover more ground the trio had spread out on the understanding that they'd maintain line of sight with each other, but when an errant bolt of forked lightning had seared a tall tree in half the girls had rightfully picked a direction and run as thick scorched ancient branches rained down from high above.
With the smell of burnt wood still in the air Amelia Atkinson stopped running and found herself in a dense moonlit thicket, the clouds above had seemingly parted allowing temporary respite from the wind and rain. She checked her phone, no signal, "Terrific". For no particular reason she followed a small stream of clear water towards the sound of running water where she eventually found a waterfall and a large pond approximately the size of the swimming pool at the mansion. She'd hoped to maybe see Nicole there, frolicking happily either partially clothed or fully naked in the cool water but alas there was nothing save the soothing sound of the water.
As she walked the perimeter of the pond she had the feeling of being watched, or at the very least the feeling that she wasn't alone. From the left she heard a rustling from the undergrowth but as she turned to look her boot became snagged in a tree root and she fell forwards faceplanting into the leaves and soft mossy ground.
With gritted teeth she raised her head and saw a pair of eyes starring back at her.