>>6199697Go the fuck outside and do something you love to do with other people. If you like to play Magic the Gathering go to a card shop. If you like anime go to a local convention. If you like to drink hit up a bar. Whatever you like to do you have to do it around other people.
Second you have to be confident. Everyone knows you're scared as hell and don't know what you're doing but neither does anyone else. They're just as socially awkward as you. Try to fake that confidence enough to get your foot in the door. After that you should be able to determine if that person is going to reciprocate your attention or not.
Lastly you have to get your numbers up. If you don't talk to lots of girls you're not gonna get a gf. It's all a numbers game. If you're not getting a girl to reciprocate just walk away and move on to the next one.
Oh yeah and take inventory of yourself to figure out where you sit in the dating pool. If you're a 4 stay away from the 8's. You won't get her. Lower your standards and be realistic. No beauty queen super model is going to want your homely ass. If you're not realistic and not willing to compromise a little you'll be alone forever.
This is my advice and I know it works. I'm a 5 that's been with 9's just because I was confident and was proud of who I am. If you can't do this basic thing then you'll get nowhere.
Now go the fuck outside and get that girl and if she doesn't want you then fuck her there's plenty of other women.
Here's a little math to help keep you motivated.
There's currently 3,783,084,976 women in the world, there's 195 countries, people say your perfect woman is 1 in a million and by that logic there's 19.4 instances of your "perfect woman" in every single country.