Quoted By:
This is /shit/.
Here we talk about Indian Immigration.
Praty is 5'1. Grow up bro, that's cringe as fuck.
REMEMBER: Anyone that supports India but does not want to post hand is automatically Indian, no excuses. No, it's not because you're too white to care or because you have nothing to prove. You are just brown. Your name is Rakesh. Your mother committed sati and died.
Also, the jeet that emotes faces like ";)" and "kek" "lmaooo" has agreed with me that he's the brown subhuman, no joke, he actually did it, the mad lad. So bully him boys.
General seethers:
Pratyuksh Bansal is from Zurich
Emotejeet is from Ranchi, Jharkhand
Hindi script namefag is from Kerala