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No more obsessing with using imperative language with others, no more being a gym rat retard obsessed with proteins and bench presses, no more rejecting an interesting ugly girl because I don't want to be seem with her, no more stuffing my chest with air and making a bad boy face to look more 'alpha', no more valuing vapid air-headed Stacys because I want others to see me with them, no more obsessing with thoughts of others trying to fuck me over. No more obsessively chasing a career I hate because it pays well and that makes me more alpha. I AM FREE and for that I have Kelly and her contagious smile and doritos fingers to thank for. I embraced being a loser. I no longer want to be perfect.
Anons, I did something I haven't done in years. I submitted. I gave up. I gave up trying to win an imaginary battle with myself. I felt a spark inside me. A spark that lightened up a warm feeling in my whole body. That warm feeling started a fire. A fire right up in a dynamite fuse that exploded a wall inside of me. A wall that was inside of me blocking my emotions. I was dead, and now that the wall wasn't there anymore I got to feel all these emotions I haven't felt in years. And when this happened, Kelly was right there in front of me. Right in front of my eyes in my computer screen. Kelly gave me life again, anons. She gave me back the feeling of loving someone else and not being afraid of it. Kelly pictures are not only impossible for a guy not to love, they also have a thought provoking aura in them that makes you think deeply about the questions in life. Do you doubt it? Just look at my testimony! Why aren't you orbiting Kelly right now anon?! Just look at all the good that is has done to me! What are you waiting for! Embrace being a loser! Orbiting is life!