>>20579745>offendedS()yboy language. I'm not offended here and certainly not when I call out Jewish shills.
Are parents wrong for calling out trannies in their 14 year old daughter's gym class?
Are people wrong when they complain about commercials pushing interracial couples?
If /pmg/ is already retardedly off-topic do you believe the person claiming that it's off-topic is also off-topic (and thus not allowed to complain about it by your standards?)
Your logic is Jewish through and through, you're lying your ass off, and ultimately you're just trying way too hard to bother me while sounding like a child.
>you never post metalsBecause you kikes immediately claim they're not mine. There's no point when I can share my shiny pics on other forums where real stackers hangout.
>but say you work for the fedsJewish lying.
>but you constantly D&CJewish lying. I don't bother anyone who comes off as a real stacker.
>lie constantlyProjection.
>you're offended by coinsNigger just kill yourself.