the new Diablo 4 trailer was discussed here when it released. The demon thats summoned is "Lillith".
The original story goes that she was made out for Adam as a consort because none of the Animals were fit for it. However she didnt like to be under Adam and thus rebelled making her the first feminist that rebelled against the evil Patriarchy. Fittingly: occultic references:
There is the Trueman show its all about the guy trapped in this fake "world" (according to gnostics created by the demiurge). One of the things that tips Trueman off is a spotlight falling from the sky on which it says "Sirius" where Sirius is one of the stars associated with Lucifer, Lucifer basically being this nice guy that helps you get out of this fake world through illumination.
Matrix is a curious state. It works perfectly to describe society. People being through their deception part of the system and becoming agents of it by in example ratting out other people to the system. The Redpill being a piece of information that makes you see the system from the outside for the first time and its mechanics, the pedo blackmail, media propaganda etc. When applied however to the Religion it becomes satanic garbage pushing that the serpent/satan with the fruit/red
>>10909859its rather that 9 is materialistic completion, 10 is the law (10 commandments for example) of God which aims at living for more than the flesh, the materialism. And 11 is going beyond Gods law, breaking it.