>>13956834>beep test in 1st grade>move to a middle of nowhere town on the coast for 2nd grade >do beep test again a lottt>sent to an entirely different reading group doing reads on WW2, Dickens and other odd subjects in 2nd grade I shit you not>next get sent about 4 times for out of nowhere tests on math just to get a feel of my capabilities >full blown trig and other very advanced stuff nothing for an 8 year old would get and although I had a fair understanding of Alegebra at the time I didn't know half of what I saw until I was 15>family moves out of that town to even more rural well off town where I live for the next 10 years >hs gf through to 20 was the daughter of our regions photojournalist newspaper editor >she transfered to a literal Art High School our sophomore year>fucking crazy life experiences with her and her oddly crypto jew family>end up becoming a plant scientist >now I've worked at this lab for 4 years and I'm either 1000% schizophrenic or this is a straight up opposition run by a black op, feds, breakaway civilization or something >feel like being watched or socially tested every damn day by everyone I encounter bosses, subordinates everyone Very minor in what I've read and I dont think it was full Gate, but who knows?
I always stay away from Gate Threads but something is going on. Some group in charge of education or society is testing and analyzing the best and brightest and those with very heavy consciousness awareness and abilities.
We stand out among the collective unconsciousness and only those who run the shit know for sure. It would be amazing to meditate or practice a memory recovery hypnosis with some of the anon stories I've seen. This is an odd puzzle. Take care my fellow original autists.