Cancer is easily prevented by NAC, cured by b17, and it's lastly not "God"'s job to prevent your delusional little worldview of sunshine & rainbows from crashing to the gutter.
Protestant Jew loving churches date back to no later than 200 years, and fag loving Catholics are a result of a Jewish Kaballahist pope. Only as a result of fake food would one possibly think that eating food is harmful, and equally, your fake churches have resulted in you thinking some old man in the sky exists, or that you're so important that God MUST make YOU happy.
Salvation is twisted to no longer mean we are given a path through the words of Christ the Logos and the groanings of the Holy Spirit, but the notion that our lives are now supposed to be more meaninglessly happy.
Oh, and have a "nazi" server:>captcha ReNT0