>>19996005>you've never mentioned any reason why it should. what do you imagine should slow it down?What are the chances that you're going to take off in exactly the right direction you need to go and not lose power due to external forces like wind?
The answer is 0%...
You need to make up for that somewhere and I know, I know, you're gonna be all muh jet power, but the earth will still move faster than you in most cases, you'll travel a longer path in the air than you would at ground level and you will lose the conservation of momentum the longer you're in the air.
To give you numbers I would need to know the plane being used, how much it was carrying, where it was going, the local weather conditions, etc. The list would be infinitely huge and not needed since the obvious truths I've pointed out are obvious.
>bislinGo suck his glober cock some more. His site gets wrecked by observations multiple times a day.
>>19996008>how about explaining why the sun and moon always move across the sky at the same rate? its impossible of they getting much closer to you and then going away again.They move with the aether mate, simple as. Want to see the moon moving at the same rate as the stars? webm related. By all means sook and go nuh uh that's earth's rotation but the rotation of the earth has been proven to not exist in reality so pound sand leafnigger and pay particular attention to the reflection in the water which visibly grows in size which wouldn't happen to nearly that degree if the moon were actually as far away as you believe it to be.