>>20709402>Not so simple for me ; so, we already establish (as we did already) that we are definitely not the same. Nor would even genetic twins with autism.Maybe idk. I feel like I can hear music pretty clearly in my head. Sometimes when I feel fucky I can hear instruments play in my head. I tend to think about music a lot. Have a friend and he says when he hears music in his head it is just him humming it, but I can hear the voice of the singer and several instruments playing at the same time. This tends to be more vivid the more fucked up my mood is though.
>And do you think you can teach them your language if that's all the advice you can give? Most of language learning comes from what a person themselves is going to learn. Look I can teach someone the grammar rules of japanese, a bunch of vocabulary. It won't do shit. Same as I could go teach a bunch of music theory to someone. They need to expose themselves in settings where they intuitively internalise and formulate things on their own. That means learning as many words, grammar in the natural setting as much as possible and learn to think in that language. I never got anywhere by just using flashcards. Never made me memorise shit.
>I suppose if you do become so good at Japanese, you can become a master translator of legal documents or things that are very difficult and require high vocabulary and stuff. Not too many people to deal with there. But it has limited "success."Maybe in a few years I can be, but not right now. I'm doing a slow, but steady foundation and walls into a fully functioning mansion. Pic related.
> I don't think the lady at the front desk has had much professional development/Ausbildungen outside from her high school diploma.No she doesn't and neither is she interested in becoming a better front desk person through experience or do a decent job. Just gonna be a shit person like a bunch of other people