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Acording to Wikipedia: "British colonists made cheddar cheese soon upon their arrival in North America. By 1790, American-made cheddars were being exported back to England. According to Robert Carlton Brown, author of The Complete Book of Cheese, "The English called our imitation Yankee, or American, Cheddar, while here at home it was popularly known as yellow or store cheese".[1] After patenting a new method for manufacturing processed cheese in 1916,[4][5] James L. Kraft began marketing it in the late 1910s, and the term "American cheese" rapidly began to refer to the processed variety, instead of the traditional but more expensive cheddars also made and sold in the US."
WTF!!!!! "American Cheese" was originally much better and this asshole James L. Kraft is why people think these plastic slices are "American Cheese" Fucking unamerican ASSHOLE! This should be called "Neocon Cheese" because it represents the America as they see it.