>>21271781>There is also a similar theme in the TalmudIt's not talmudic, it's plain Bible. People also claim that Ham was black, that's a talmudic teaching, which is wrong, but it is still repeated in the Christian world.
My point is regardless what the talmud says, it doesn't negate what the Bible says. It doesn't mean that all non-Adamic people are bad or can't believe in Christ or should be mistreated, but there definitely is something evil and a blatant race-related issue, in the real world and well as in the Bible, a people that always hijack "the children's bread". Esau was certainly evil as well, and what did he do? mixing with foreign peoples, those that may be of that "serpent", and then began calling themselves Judaeans and bastardize the religion, same thing is happening today in the Christian world. Most Christians today want to spiritualize the entire Bible, sort of "new-age" the Bible, and look at the fruits this created, it is like they are still drinking the "milk" and never came to the "meat" of the Bible, because it's too "mean" and heavy. This absolute spiritualizing defuses and deludes the Bible in many ways, and makes little sense with the whole picture that the Bible is absolutely a race related theme; God's people, the Israelites. And there is a racial identity claim in the Christian world regardless, and that current claim is placed on that counterfeit people of Satan.
God isn't bound to human morals regarding race, as uncomfortable it may seem for individuals. It isn't about damning individuals, it's talking about the general issue in the Christian nations. This dragon is mass-flooding the Christian lands with foreign races, what is that other than a deliberate attack on a certain type of people? and lo and behold it's of course an attack on the very white and very Christian kind of people, done by the world of Satan, the world of humanism and raceblindness, ideologies that emerged in the 19th/20th century.