>>20317836on computer now, using this recipe:
https://www.dansukker.fi/fi/resepteja/liivatteeton-kuningatar-kakkusorry it's in Finnish. Basically the bottom is made of these Finnish oreo-adjacent biscuits called Dominos, I prefer them to Oreos because the biscuit part tastes more genuine. The filling is made of whipped cream, cream jelly and blueberry-raspberry (or "queen") quark. And the top is simply blueberries and raspberries with water-based jelly on top to make it shiny and intact and stuff. Usually cheesecakes have gelatin but this one is made with jelly as a replacement, but I'm thinking of adding a gelatinized jelly layer on top under the blueberries. Think I'll pass on the raspberries this time though, just to save a bit of money.