>>18554703For the briefest of moments, the words inspire an emotion that has become almost foreign to Cassie over the years, fear. But she quickly composes herself and laughs it off. "Missing? According to who?"
"Well the Angels seem to think so, the man you have on Priscilla's staff said they all took off to go look for her. And Kasumi has been trying to get in touch with you about the same matter."
Cassie sighs. "Nikki's friends have her best interests at heart, but they're very easily alarmed. They don't know her the way I do. She probably just came to the club without me knowing, got drunk and took off with some guy. I'd check the security footage but I don't even want to know, her taste is terrible. Now, do you have my report on last week's sales of Obsidian Rush? I'd like to see how many buyers we retained after I increased the price by 50%. If we kept most of them my profits will be through the roof."