>>20193280>You do know that geniuses can be schizos, right? That's what Nikola Tesla was.The bar for what the normaloid normatard will refer to as schizo is very low. Even word play or being too humours or playful is enough. Any form of creativity, originality or non-conformism is enough to make some normaloid normatard somewhere class you in the schizo folder.
Adherence, conformism and obsequious obedience to jewish authority, which the normaloid normatard perceives as normality, or what they perceive as popular or commonly accepted opinion are the highest virtues for the normaloid normatard.
Even finding the wrong things funny, enjoyable to watch or entertaining is enough for the normaloid normatard to class you as mentally defective and even dangerous and in need of punishment or quarantine. Like, for instance, if you express amusement or enjoyment upon watching .webms of goylease getting ventilated by their pet niggers for example. Just realise they're not fully human and toss what they state as their opinions (they don't actually have any opinions, just their current jewish firmware version) and statements in the trash, where they belong.