Does your girllfriend play along with your fetish?
Anonymous ID:XCY0ZFfU No.14059000 View ViewReport Quoted By:
Pretty soon after i start fucking a girl i ease her into my fetish. Idk why but i think ballet flats are the sexiest item of clothing that has ever been invented. Most girls are pretty cool about it and they wear flats during sex and wrap their legs around my neck and shit which is fun. For some reason tho, the liberal/democrat girls ive dated are always offended when i ask them to wear flats or choke me/squeeze me with their legs during sex. Its like they have this “why is my body not enough for you you creep!!”
attitude where they think they feel they should be allowed to judge whether your fetish is normal or if it is creepy/pathetic. Like i cant just tell my brain what to find sexy. Boobs for example mean almost nothing to me.