>>17808454short term calcium carbonate with added magnesium carbonate or hydroxide (calcium can make you constipated so magnesium is needed to unclog your shitter)
healthier diet is also a must for effective eeduction of acid reflux- eating meat up to only twice a week, no more than 7 eggs a week; artichokes, brussel sprouts, kale, cabbage, cashews, sesame (including sesame oil), beer, vine, bitter drinks like Jägermeister, tonic water etc should be avoided and consumed only occasionally
reduction in very acidic foods can help the acid reflux somewhat but they don't play as much of a role as you'd think
increasing daily fiber intake through oatmeal, dry or fresh fruits and low in starch vegetables wluld also help
white mallow root macerate (cold infusion) helped me a little bit because it adheres to your esophagus and stomach mucosa
I guess if your acid reflux is really bad proton pump inhibitors can be used but those are really for baaad complications, you don't want to drink that everyday for the rest of your life cause that rest of your life won't be very long
exercise and stress reduction can also help and so can a good sleep schedule
you would also be wise not to overeat in the eveninga nd it's best if your last meal is around 7 or 8 pm (prefferably something light like a low fat yoghurt, banana or two slices of sourdough bread
>>17808480I don't want it
take it away from me please