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Also, if the domestication and riding of horses originated from North America, then spread to Asia, then Europe, would it not make sense that the mongoloids were the first to bring this horse-riding advancement? But no. Some people, despite the evidence, would still choose to believe that same old outdated speculation and call it history. This would imply that the genetic evidence showing Asians to be lower caste with Europeans to be higher caste, if real at all, would imply that the ancient so-called Aryans had forgotten their roots, or more likely that, long ago, the white man had stolen our cultures and made it their own. After all, is that not what the white man has always done and will continue doing?
One thing that should be considered is that the concept of the protection of the purity of one's own peoples as described in Vedic literature may at least partially refer to purity in a person's inherent nature, for example by advising against the consumption of meat. The Chinese and the Indians are the most pure in the sense of inherent, while the Caucasoid in Europe is the exact opposite of such a precious quality: full of heightened pride, ego, toxicity, the capacity for carnage, and almost no feelings of remorse to the harm inflicted upon others, though they will always feel inclined to manipulate both themselves and others by convincing their own egos that they are not, through external appearance, the mask under which hides dark spirits and asuras. Such ego tactics can be seen as the trend among the white woman. Far from pure and far from close is their way to self-realization, binded by material advantages and pleasures is their destiny, for they can hurt others but cannot escape the eyes of the all-encompassing omniscient God.