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Won a few promising batches of scrap lately, got a load of ~56 souvenir spoons for $29.43 total with tax. No mention of sterling or pics of the hallmarks but situations like this are where a photographic memory really comes in handy. I recognize and know with absolute certainty that a handful are sterling, and several others I haven't seen before look like sterling too.
The other batch I got for $45.41 is much more of a risk; 65 full size tea/tablespoons and salad/dinner forks listed by a very ignorant boomer. No mention of sterling and no pics of the makers' marks, and quite strangely not even 1 pic of anything beyond just the bowls/tines sticking out of the antique anti-tarnish sleeves so they were completely unidentifiable. This would be a red flag if they made claims about being good silver but I doubt the seller knows anything at all about sterling. My Spidey senses tingled hard at the appearance of the tarnish on what was visible which is much more reminiscent of sterling than plate, and being stored in the protective cloth wraps is another good sign. The yield from the souvenir spoons will probably cover the loss if they're nothing special, but i couldn't pass on the chance to get up to 2 kilos of silver for practically nothing. I'll provide updates upon arrival, happy slurping frens!