Astronaut Gordon Cooper in 1959 saw a disc shaped craft land on the dry salt bed, inside Edward's airforce base.
He was told never to talk about it again.
People get excited by this.
However it was likely an advanced military test flight.
Infact all UFOs are really just advanced military test craft.
From 1998 to 2015 the US cannot account for $21trillion!
That is a huge budget for developing advanced private military aircraft.
This may sound crazy, but the last Nazi alive, the famous rocket scientist Von Braun told his office manager Dr Carol Rosin, that the Zionist's plan was to use a fake alien invasion threat to unite the world into a global government.
There are reports and testimonies UFOs shutting dow nuclear sites; i think this is consistent with military aircraft
faking an alien invasion threat and preventing countries
from resorting to using their weapons of last resort.
Either Von Braun lost his marbles or what he said has a ring of truth to it.
Im not too sure and we can never rely on people's words who claim to have heard him say this.
Of the UFOs that cannot be identified, they are nearly always military aircraft
they consistent with:
>the latest military technology.>the latest design shapes>the latest manuverabilty thanks to being pilotless>Never fire weapons>always seen near military airbases or Naval vessels at sea.I believe the disc shaped crafts seen in the 50s were either a lenticular missile like the pye wacket; or the a US firm managed to fly a disc shaped craft, unlike the canadian firm behind the Avrocar which was a failure.