>>18069171Wow. A lot of scizoposters in this thread. What's with that? Especially the amerimutts on this board tend to be off their gourd.
I've bootstrapped my ass up the social ladder. From the very bottom. I know a lot of people who use drugs or are involved in crime. So I think I'm "in the know" of this issue. Majority of people never change their social class. If you're born poor, you will be poor all your life. If you're born in a small town, you're going to get a girlfriend from your own town, you're going to get a job working at the gas station, you're going to move together with your girl and marry her. Get few kids by accident and all that. This also applies if you're middle class. This applies to majority of the people. Majority being most likely you as well. Downgrading your social class is far easier than going up or maintaining your current class. And it does require maintaining. It requires being invested in what's happening in the world.
That is what I base my claim on: zoomers aren't invested in the world around them. One might claim that teenagers have never truly been invested in the world around them, but the world is changing very rapidly. It's the same change that has been happening in the past as well. Medium towns turning into small or ghost towns. Opportunity vanishing in thin air. And they do not have very good starting point. Zoomers are probably the most poorly educated generation yet, as the teachers aren't motivated themselves and little education they give has to compete for zoomer's attention. Once you miss the basics of a topic, you're going to have hard time catching up. With diminishing opportunities these people have hard time going to hotspots where opportunities aren't rare. It's expensive to move to a big city and you need a constant income. This sets zoomers to fail.