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Communism is (quite literally) a fruitless ideology. It made Russland even worse than it already was, and nearly caused the end of the world if the Sobiet Yoonyun decided to buttfuck the planet and initiate nuclear war.
National Socialism, however, turned Germany from the poorest country into the richest country in a matter of years. Crime was non-existant in Berlin, the capital, and the unemployment rate was ZERO percent.
In the Soviet Union, however, Comrade Stalin was trying to organize an appropriate collectivist method for food redistribution, but the farmers hated being collectivized so they were all executed by the state since they weren't communist enough. And when executing "enemies of the state" in public squares (i.e. anti- or non-commies) became dry and old, they started executing INNOCENTS to get their point through, whatever it was. Maybe it was that having the slightest bit of independence earns you a socialist-approved trip to the gulag, or maybe it was that if you've committed to the law and managed to not starve to death in a Soviet society, you'll be executed anyway because "muh capitalist bouergeoisie, stob bein sussessful mayne".
Trust me, capitalism isn't the best choice, but it's far, FAR better than the fucking catastrophes communism is at fault for.