>>18553242"Hello Mister Toad", Amy grumbled as she pulled herself onto all fours then into a sitting position, "I'm looking for a friend of mine, her hair is the same colour as mine but its much much longer". The toad tilts its head then appears to pick up a leaf, holding it over its head like an umbrella.
"What an honour it is to have the Fire Angel in our humble abode... and it seems the Blue Jewel is here too - she's laughing at you by the way - although it appears she's become out of hop with her body. Very messy business, however she had to run all the way here. Very funny."
Considering the past few hours a talking toad is probably the least insane thing Amy had experienced lately. She wonders if she'd inhaled some kind of strange fungal spore or concussed herself during the fall, regardless she decides to just roll with it.
"I am the Toadmaster, lord of lakes, ponds and puddles, the forest is my domain and if anything occurs here you can rest assured that I know all about it, Amelia Atkinson. You may have heard of my brother The Toadfather, he gave up the forest to find wealth selling fast food to the Humans, he struck a deal with the demon Onigiri even though she repeatedly calls him 'Mister Frog' to his face. Such disrespect. Us forest dwellers are still loyal to the Angels, even if the city dwellers have forgotten the old ways."
"This... this is a lot to take in Toadmaster, it seems that there is a lot about this world that I don't yet understand."
"Child, you are very young and we are very old. We've seen any things and endured many things, but what's encouraging is that you're willing to open your mind to new ideas. The road ahead of you is very long but for now I hope it brings you comfort to know that your friend Nicole Kade is quite safe and your friends are very close."