>>13418437>subhuman hands typed thisDamn this board is full of larping legit mutts wtf happened lmao
The only ones try that hard to larp are kikish (((european))) subversive types and faggot pedo homo tranny tier scum since they always try to set up some degenerate weak and effeminate (((hierarchy))) since they don't really have anything and need to excercise constant energy to maintain the lie.
If you are of good blood, you don't need to force it, period. Plenty of Europeans and Russians do this, as do Brits. Not about muh titles.
A lot of you utter niggers ITT are a bunch of have-nots and worthless betas trying too hard. Better get your shit together. Just a bunch of color palate swapped version of sandniggers and kikes trying to play pretend.
Worthless and can be a liability.