>>3537122Yeah, the plate screw thingies. Edges on mine are pretty sharp. Im sure I could hit them with an emory board probably to dull them down a bit. Get what I pay for ordering from the chinks so a little bit of QC problems doesnt surprise me.
One of the funniest things was waking up half drunk with her snuggled right against me one night, she had absorbed a lot of body heat, so it was legit like spooning a real person. Had been a LONG time since I had done that (one of the only problem with my IRL GF, we can barely sleep together because we both snore, shes a light sleeper and gets woken up very easily, and also our schedules are opposite of each other, so usually when she goes to bed, im just waking up.) so it was a nice feeling.
Also that first night I slept with her, I woke up and she was on top of me. Nose to nose. Somehow I had swung her up on top of me in my sleep. That was our first time fucking.