>>21788031>>21788033>>21788035>Another system where the serpent occupied a prominent was elaborated by the Gnostic Ophites (from the Greek ophis, serpent), as recounted in Irenaeus’ work Against all Heresies (1: 30.1-15). In the Ophite system the first triad was formed by the Father of All or the First Man, the Son of Man, or the Second Man, and the feminine Holy Spirit or the First Woman, below whom were the elements of Water, Darkness, Abyss and Chaos>The female Holy Spirit united with both the First and Second Man to give birth to the Third Man, Christ, but their light overflowed on her left side. Being on the right, Christ was raised to the higher realms, while the power that had overflowed on the left fell downwards and was envisaged as a female being, variously called the Left, Sophia or Man— Woman. Sophia gave birth to Yaldabaoth who fathered his own son, and the unfolding of this generative process led to the emergence of six sons who formed, along with Yaldabaoth, the higher hebdomad. The serpent Ophiomorphos was envisaged as begetting six sons in the world below to form the lower hebdomad of the seven demons or planets of the world, who were in opposition to the human race. According to the Ophites the serpent Ophiomorphos bore two names, Michael and Samael, who appeared thus, ‘fused into the positive and negative aspects of a single state of existence’.” (The Other God: Dualist Religions from Antiquity to the Cathar Heresy by Yuri Stoyanov, Page 109)Gnostic Ophiomorphos Michael-Samael = Hod/Geburah because this: Michael comes from Mikal (Red in Akkadian), a title by Nergal (Sumerian Mars), who was a twin brother of Ninurta (Sumerian Saturn).
https://michaelruark.wordpress.com/2019/02/11/archangel-michael-the-wrathful-aspect-of-baal/In Kabbalah, Lilith is a figure associated with the Left Side of the Tree of Life (Binah, Geburah and Hod).