>>13008880>if you're obsessed with proving yourself to internet randos then you're not governing by logic you're governing by your inflated egoI'm just trying to have a fucking conversation with somebody. That's it. I'm not proving myself to anybody. As long as somebody reads the arguments I make, acknowledges the points, and provides counter arguments, I don't care how much the want to talk shit and think I'm the worst person alive.
>this board is a garbage dumpThat's what I'm doing here. Every other board is generally equally bad, and here I can sustain a thread of my own without having to compete with endless bots and shills. It's hellish trying to engage in conversation when 90% of people are either mentally retarded, bots, of paid shills.
1/10 people, sure, they will actually look at my pictures and acknowledge the points I make. Everybody else just makes non-sequitur arguments and personal attacks because they're only here to push an agenda, not to actually provide meaningful arguments.
Every other board will ban me for ridiculous reasons, so I don't have much of another place to go other than /trash/.
This thread allows me to carry on with my arguments without having the threat pushed to the bump limit because I show up. If I'm arguing with a shill, they will push the thread to bump/image limit and abandon, or otherwise just abandon the thread and slide it because they don't want to deal with me. They have an agenda to push and I confuse and anger people, making it harder for them to shill.
>hes literally racist and dementia ridden bruharen't we all? I see you didn't pick up on the theme of the thread. This is more about Cool Joe Biden.
Cool Joe Biden is hip, urban, street, sexual, powerful, dominant, and a pure-blooded playboy pimp that keeps it real and gives 0 fucks about your feelings. This is the Joe you would know if you saw him after hours, on the street, in the club, instead of the guy who is working on TV to sell product.