>>5734227I think that the issue stems from a large group of people not accepting the first.
Being against the gays to begin with means that every step further than this is treated with the same/more hatred.
These people will likely always exist.
>>5734237I don't know. Allowing everyone to see their choices, even at an early age, has it's positive and negative outcomes.
On one hand we allow the child to choose for themself what they wish to be in their future.
On the other, the child may be forced into a lifestyle that they originally weren't meant for.
Similar to the gays being forced into being straight in the earlier days.
I cannot be for certain the correct choice.
>>5734280I'm not so sure to be honest.
I'm not against gay individuals mind you, however.
It can be said that if you allow someone to do something, they will tend to go as far as they can go with it.
You know, if you give an inch they'll take a mile and all that.
Human nature I've found makes this seem likely