>>565568>The file you attached is a thinly veiled justification for rape.A quote explaining that the notion of private property is unnatural is "justification for rape"? Wat?
>"can still"? by what authority do you get to define the metapolitical parameters?By the people's own authority to govern themselves, self-determination is kind of a theme here in case you hadn't noticed.
>The minority will thus be oppressed by the majority.Freedom of movement is an element of a stateless society, allowing people to find a community that best suits them rather than being limited by location.
>Government enforcement of personal property = private property.I don't think you understand the idea of private vs personal property, the simple version is that personal property is things you use yourself and private property is things that you don't use and instead have others use it in exchange for a salary or receiving rent. The problem with private property is that it ends up amassing in the hands of a small few while the majority is forced to meet their conditions or starve.
>Parasites says who?They are receiving the benefit of other people's labor without doing any of the work simply on the basis of ownership.
>Raising and using capital is not an easy thing to do, which is why lots of people can't do it.Being good at exploiting others isn't really an admirable trait, and is rarely a good thing for the working class.
Let's say a business develops a way to double their productivity somehow. In a democratic system the workers could agree to cut their hours in half, benefiting everyone involved, while in a capitalist system the owners would simply fire half the workers and possibly even lower their wages due to increased competition among the workforce.
>Chances are those "parasites" are behind the products and services you use and depend on.The workers are, the "owners" are simply reaping the benefits of the worker's labor.