>>19376582[It was nice being appreciated, but even with some strong liquor, Karna still appeared mellow and apprehensive. Dunagree decided to press further, and finally Karna revealed that she was still mad about her Intercontinental Title opportunity, her attempts to fix it by fighting at the warehouse, and now the fact that Sola Fire had a shot at the same title, even though she lost to Karna at Judge, Yuri, and Executioner…]
>Listen here, Lassie…>I’ve seen it MANY times before. Ya start feeling sorry for yourself, and you’re just inviting everyone to walk all over you! Ya sure ain’t gonna be popular if ya keep this attitude! This Solar Flare now stepping up, I’ll tell ya what, I’d do the same thing! And if I were in your shoes, I’d be pissed! I didn’t win this title with a smile and a sunbeam! Nah, me and my partner had to pry em’ from the C.Picker’s cold, dead hands! There ain’t no cryin’ like this in wrestling! I like ya Karna, but you need to get angry. You need to get mad!