LazerPig is the most Russophobic YouTuber in my opinion. Not because he twist the truth the most, but because he is not even aware of how Russophobic he is.
The level of disgust towards the Russians is pouring out of him.
And if you think that it started when the war in Ukraine, you are mistaking
>>Russians defeated the Germans only because the Americans sent them trucks. >Russians are Orcs who do not value life>etcIt is very interesting how this video starts with one topic, in that video he pushes nonsense and lies along the way. (creation of nation)
>>He's very clever at how he does it.He chooses one topic(a legitimate thing to criticize) and through that topic champions other lies and stereotypes.
He very often presents himself as an expert, but it is very clear that he has no technical education.But that's why he manages to mask it through his humor and eloquence.
It turns everything into one beautiful cocktail, where it is very difficult to tell the truth from the lies. (the best lies are mixed with the truth)
Hi is so good at this, sometimes I wonder if he had formal training in one of the secret services!