>>18112576Paul refers to this eschatological figured who will come on stage prior to the return of Christ as the “the man of lawlessness” (2Thes. 2:1-3). According to Paul, the “man of lawlessness” will arise and seek to exalt himself over God by demanding worship of no one else but himself (v. 4). He will severely persecute those who refuse to worship him. He will use signs and wonders to deceive the people and will give them false teachings (vv. 9, 11). By imitating the miracles and teaching ability of Jesus, he will appear to be the Messiah, but he be defeated at Jesus’ second coming (v. 8).
The Antichrist arrogantly establishes himself as a false messiah arrogating divine status as a sovereign tyrant and mandates idolatrous worship.
https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/essay/the-tribulation-and-the-antichrist/The pretentious reign of the beast over the nations of the earth intentionally mocks the rightful reign of the Lamb. Just as the Father granted his power, authority and throne to Jesus (Rev. 5:6–7), the dragon endues the beast with power, a throne, and great authority (13:2).
>In Revelation 13:3, his reign over the nations is secured by his pseudo-resurrection when he miraculously recovered from a fatal head wound The inhabitants of the earth worship the dragon and his beast as their unassailable despot . The Antichrist tyrannically exercises his authority in a blasphemous assault against the true God and his people. John borrows extensively from Daniel’s vision of the little horn This little horn, representing the leader of a powerful earthly kingdom,
>indiaspeaks boastfully against God and wages a war against the saints for a period of three and a half years . This antagonist is granted a limited period of time to persecute the saints, but at the end of that allotted time God will render a verdict to vindicate his saints by establishing his kingdom on earth