>>12012837I think if they blackmagic the GME stonks, we'll have a genuine great reset crash. All options are shit currently.
>1.)If Melvins is allowed to go under, GME will fly to the moon and cause a cascading effect that could bury many other hedgefunds that could very cascade in the worst crash ever.>2.)If Melvin get's bailouts after bailouts until Uncle Joe steps in, people will be pissed because this will cause Hyperinflation in the next year that could very well lead to 1.)>3.)Blackmagic: Call retards from wsb and /biz/ nazis, send out the same goons that did the diryt job during occupy and devalue the stonks. People will be pissed and could basically cause tardrage against all shortselling and make many more undervalued stonks to explode violently and leads to 1.) again.I'd like to see the banks and SEC weasel their way out of this. kek